Complex contagions of information diffusion across social networking platforms
Rachael Ruizhu Xiong, Charles Zhechao Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, and Anthony Rios
Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems. AMCIS 2019.
Social media is one of the major channels for information diffusion. However, there is relatively little research on information diffusion across multiple social networking platforms due to the technical and ethical challenges in identifying users and tracking information flow. This study examines how expert reviews from review aggregators influence user opinions on social media and whether the speed and pattern of information diffusion across these two platforms have any impact on information diffusion outcome, and subsequently product sales. A model of information diffusion is constructed using the Complex Contagions theory, which will be empirically tested using longitudinal data collected from the leading review aggregator (Rotten Tomatoes) and social media platform (Twitter). Our results will complement the existing social network research literature that focuses on interactions within a single social media platform, and contributes to a more holistic understanding of the dynamics within the entire social media ecosystem.
title = "Complex contagions of information diffusion across social networking platforms",
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems. AMCIS 2019},
year = "2019",
author = "Xiong, Rachael and Liu, Charles, and Choo, KKR and Rios, Anthony",
keywords = "sentiment, social media, information systems"